Friday, April 3, 2009

What a day of ups and downs.

It started with an ethics class on divorce and remarriage. According to how things look, I'm pooched. Some indirectly concluded the following (prof. included):
- Lee's ex-wife apostated
- Lee's ex-wife committed adultery
- Lee's ex-wife left him
- Lee's ex-wife got pregnant with another man
- Lee's ex-wife divorced Lee
- Yet Lee is not allowed to remarry because of the text of the New Testament

I could not but feel like a second-class person after this lecture. How could you not really?! Did God not give us a brain to discern what is appropriate or not? Is not the bible absent of many situations that arise (such as an abused wife? can she not re-marry too?) ? Is a covenant breech from one party find the other guilty too? Are you not allowed to have children or a family because you're partner did, with the wrong person?

It's weird to think that I wouldn't feel guilty before God getting re-married, yet some interpret the text of God as something that would condemn me. How do victims fit into this really? It doesn't say yet we cling on to such commands that are not addressing the same situations and make dogma.

Lord judge me, others please leave it to him to so and i'll be happy or damned by it.

Then I went to a wonderful party at Angel's house. My friends made me food and loved on me. And they hugged me. And I knew I had a Christian family who loved me as I am. I knew Jesus was present in these sacred relationships. I knew that my covenant relationships do not have to include marriage or consummation.

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